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Victoria: Calls to turn away from gas
January 2025
Major medical and equity organisations are calling on Victoria’s premier to provide greater rebates
for replacing gas appliances, highlighting the “dangerous” health risks associated with gas use,
including asthma and leukaemia.
Healthcare workers and community advocates gathered at State parliament this week to deliver an
open letter to Premier Jacinta Allan.
The letter, signed by 15 groups, including the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners,
Asthma Australia and the Australian Federation of Medical Women, urges the Premier to introduce
an equitable electrification program, offering more financial assistance for households to switch
from gas to electric appliances.
Currently, the 140-dollar-rebate offered is insufficient for most households to make the switch, and
low-income households and renters could be left behind, facing higher gas charges, as others
transition to electricity.
This push follows Premier Allan’s ban on gas in new Victorian homes, part of a broader plan to
achieve net-zero emissions by 2045.
Greek Tribune
Adelaide, South Australia