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50th anniversary

July 2024 Fifty years have passed where Turkey’s military occupation and aggression against Cyprus tragically continues unabated since 1974. The Justice for Cyprus Coordinating Committee SA (SEKA), in association with the Cyprus Community of SA Inc, once again have organised a series of protests on SUNDAY 21th of July and Wednesday 24th of July 2024, to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Turkish Invasion of Cyprus. These events are an expression of our solidarity and support to the people of Cyprus and a mark of honour to those who lost their lives in the struggle for democracy and freedom during the 1974 events. You are invited to lay a wreath and attend any (or all) of the following activities: 1. Sunday 21th of July at 10.00am: memorial service at the Greek Orthodox Parish of Saint George, 60 Rose St, Mile End SA 5031. 2. Followed at 12.00pm (for 12.30pm): wreath laying ceremony and trisagion at the National War Memorial, North Terrace, Adelaide. 3. A protest rally against the continued illegal Turkish invasion will then be held on the steps of Parliament, North Terrace, Adelaide. Speeches by representatives of SEKA and the Cypriot Community and representatives of Government and Opposition parties. 4. Wednesday 24th of July at 7.00pm at the Cyprus Community of SA club rooms, a talk on the Current Developments of the Cyprus Issue by an official representative of the Republic of Cyprus, accompanied by the High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus in Canberra, Mr Antonis Sammoutis. Refreshments and light snacks will be provided. 5. Sunday 14 July at 3.00pm, Projection of the Documentary, “Two Homelands”, by Kay Pavlou. At the Cyprus Community of SA club rooms, 6 – 8 Barrpowell Street, Welland. Free Entry, ALL WELCOME.
Greek Tribune Adelaide, South Australia
© 2021 Greek Community Tribune All Rights Reserved


50th anniversary

July 2024 Fifty years have passed where Turkey’s military occupation and aggression against Cyprus tragically continues unabated since 1974. The Justice for Cyprus Coordinating Committee SA (SEKA), in association with the Cyprus Community of SA Inc, once again have organised a series of protests on SUNDAY 21th of July and Wednesday 24th of July 2024, to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Turkish Invasion of Cyprus. These events are an expression of our solidarity and support to the people of Cyprus and a mark of honour to those who lost their lives in the struggle for democracy and freedom during the 1974 events. You are invited to lay a wreath and attend any (or all) of the following activities: 1. Sunday 21th of July at 10.00am: memorial service at the Greek Orthodox Parish of Saint George, 60 Rose St, Mile End SA 5031. 2. Followed at 12.00pm (for 12.30pm): wreath laying ceremony and trisagion at the National War Memorial, North Terrace, Adelaide. 3. A protest rally against the continued illegal Turkish invasion will then be held on the steps of Parliament, North Terrace, Adelaide. Speeches by representatives of SEKA and the Cypriot Community and representatives of Government and Opposition parties. 4. Wednesday 24th of July at 7.00pm at the Cyprus Community of SA club rooms, a talk on the Current Developments of the Cyprus Issue by an official representative of the Republic of Cyprus, accompanied by the High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus in Canberra, Mr Antonis Sammoutis. Refreshments and light snacks will be provided. 5. Sunday 14 July at 3.00pm, Projection of the Documentary, “Two Homelands”, by Kay Pavlou. At the Cyprus Community of SA club rooms, 6 – 8 Barrpowell Street, Welland. Free Entry, ALL WELCOME.
Greek Tribune Adelaide, South Australia