© 2021 Greek Community Tribune All Rights Reserved

GOCSA to celebrate 1821 uprising

March 2025 The Greek Orthodox Com-munity of S.A. will honour for yet another year this historic day with the following scheduled events: SUNDAY 30 MARCH 2025 at 11.00am, celebratory Doxology at the Cathedral of Archangels Michael and Gabriel, conducted by the Community’s clergy. A large number of official guests have been invited to attend. The Executive and Supervisory Committees as well as teaching staff and students will also be present. The celebrations will continue at the church’s courtyard, in front of the war memorial, with a memorial service, a wreath laying ceremony and the two national anthems. After the memorial service, the Community’s Greek schools will continue the celebrations with a special student’s event, at the Olympic Hall, featuring the Dance Academy, songs, poems and short sketches depicting the heroic tales of the 1821 Epos. Food and drinks available. All members of the local Greek community welcome.
Greek Tribune Adelaide, South Australia
© 2021 Greek Community Tribune All Rights Reserved

GOCSA to celebrate 1821 uprising

March 2025 The Greek Orthodox Com-munity of S.A. will honour for yet another year this historic day with the following scheduled events: SUNDAY 30 MARCH 2025 at 11.00am, celebratory Doxology at the Cathedral of Archangels Michael and Gabriel, conducted by the Community’s clergy. A large number of official guests have been invited to attend. The Executive and Supervisory Committees as well as teaching staff and students will also be present. The celebrations will continue at the church’s courtyard, in front of the war memorial, with a memorial service, a wreath laying ceremony and the two national anthems. After the memorial service, the Community’s Greek schools will continue the celebrations with a special student’s event, at the Olympic Hall, featuring the Dance Academy, songs, poems and short sketches depicting the heroic tales of the 1821 Epos. Food and drinks available. All members of the local Greek community welcome.
Greek Tribune Adelaide, South Australia